Buying International Flights for Summer: The Best Time!

One of the online travel agents named Cheap Air has released new data that shows about the best time to book international flights for summer.

The best time to book based on the data is from 3 weeks to 3.5 months before the traveling day, and then you may get least expensive plane tickets.

However, you need to have some requirements in order to get the cheaper tickets for the high season flights.

Best Time to Buy International Flights for Summer


“Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle

Essentially, the data shows that most ticket fares simply circle around the supply and demand laws. For instance, in few weeks before the travel day, the demand rises for the filled up aircraft, then the prices increase. The concepts based on the data of the travel agent are:

• Ticket prices to Europe traveling on the weekday are cheaper than on weekend. The data of the travel agent revealed that Wednesday traveling will be less expensive and save up to $134 rather than traveling on Saturday.

• Holidays are the other time of high demand so you might avoid the time for traveling. The data shows that the most expensive traveling day of Summer is on 1 July, for it is on weekend too.

• The best time to book airfare so you can get the least expensive tickets is at the end of August. It is the time of getting back to schools so the demand decreases.

The data from Cheap Air was taken by reviewing 351,568,000 ticket prices for 1,098,650 international flights last year and it was the project for the 2017 travel forecast.

The data reviews also show the best day to travel every month because the tickets are least expensive during summers, such as June 5, July 12, August 16, and September 19.

See: Tips to Get the Cheap Flights to Australia

On the other hand, the data also found the cheapest seats for international traveling in certain regions, such as:

• 59 days before the departure to Canada
• 61 days before the departure to Central America and Mexico.
• 76 days before the departure to Caribbean.
• 81 days before the departure to South America
• 89 days before the departure to South Pacific
• 90 days before the departure to Asia
• 99 days before the departure to Europe
• 119 days before the departure to Africa

Those data was gotten from the real reviews to the airfares of the international destinations. If you plan to travel abroad in summer, then the tips must be helpful.

For those who plan the trip to Asia, choose Airpaz to book the flights in the best price and easy booking process.


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