Explore Gua Tempurung Perak in Malaysia; You should be there!

Gua Tempurung Perak is a tourism destination for those who love exploring a cave. The location of Gua Tempurung is in Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia, the cave is famous among the travelers who love with the cave.

With 3 kilometers long of the cave, it belongs to the longest one in Peninsula Malaysia. The cave also has been quite well-developed with electric lighting in some spots and walkways. To explore the cave, tourists can join the tours that are available in different difficulty and lengths.

Featuring three huge chambers and wonderful stalagmites and stalactites, as well as a fine cave river in 1.6km long, the cave should be available on the list of places to visit during your holiday.

To explore the cave, tourists can join the tours that are available in different difficulty and lengths. Featuring three huge chambers and wonderful stalagmites and stalactites, as well as a fine cave river in 1.6km long, the cave should be available on the list of places to visit during your holiday.

Featuring three huge chambers and wonderful stalagmites and stalactites, as well as a fine cave river in 1.6km long, the cave should be available on the list of places to visit during your holiday.

Activities at Gua Tempurung Perak


Viewing the amazing shapes of stalactites and stalagmites inside Gua Tempurung is a common activity mostly done in caves. But in Gua Tempurung cave, you can have more enjoyable activities such as River Adventure Tours and the dry Gua Tempurung adventure.

The day adventure in the cave is available in two packages. The first-day adventure is named Golden Flowstone that takes 40 minutes of adventure. The ticket costs RM6 for adult, RM2.5 for children up to 12 years old, and RM3 for seniors.

Another dry adventure is named the Top of the World that takes 1 hour 45 minutes duration. This dry adventure’s ticket costs RM9 for adult, RM4.5 for children, and RM3 for seniors.

The tour should consist of minimally 5 adults. Meanwhile, the first wet adventure in Gua Tempurung Ipoh is the Top of the World and Short River Adventure.

It takes 2.5 hours and costs RM11 for adult and RM6 for children and seniors. Another wet adventure is the Grand Tour that will explore the whole 3.8 km of the cave in about 3.5 hours, including water rafting Gua Tempurung.

The ticket costs RM22 for adult, RM11 for children and RM6 for seniors.


The tips before visiting Gua Tempurung

If you plan to get into the dry adventure only, you should wear comfortable clothes, good grip and comfortable sandals or shoes like hiking boots. Don’t forget to bring mineral water and you may need to bring camera and Torchlight too.

Meanwhile, for the wet adventure, make sure you wear comfortable outfits; wool or polypro clothes, Dockers pants, and footwear with good grips like hiking boots.

You also need to bring mineral water. Wear kneepads and gloves are also important. Furthermore, make sure you are healthy and free of limestones and bat allergies before entering Gua Tempurung.

Most people go to Gopeng or Ipoh to get into Gua Tempurung Perak. Then they take taxi or bus to the cave location. You also must need some flights to reach Kuala Lumpur or Ipoh Airport.

Check Airpaz to find the flights in best deals for the cheapest prices.

Happy traveling!


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